What to check in marriage halls before booking?

Finding a wedding venue includes a lot of research and hassle. Big cities of the country like Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata and so on are some of the famous places where it becomes even more difficult. There are many wedding venues in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and other metro cities to choose from. Moreover, you have to ensure that it permits your budget, overall plan, and provide good ambiance for the big day, including the location taking into your account.

Here, we have surveyed different wedding venues in Delhi and prepared a list of essentials of wedding halls you need to check before booking it.

1. The Basics

According to most of the party places in Delhi, you need to keep the dates of your requirement at first. Following that, you should consider the accommodation, rental fees, amenities, security deposits, payment plans including the modes, changing area for brides and groom, cancellation policies, outdoor places and whether they have tables, chairs, linens, own caterer and kitchen. You must also look after whether they have a license to serve alcohol. These are the basics which you must hunt in banquet halls in Delhi or other metro cities.

2. Décor and Rentals

After you research about the basics, you should focus on the décor and rentals. Enquire whether they will provide you with proper decoration, like candles, confetti, sparkles, fireworks, etc. Also, you must inquire whether they would provide facilities like heaters, or air conditioners for indoors and umbrellas for outdoors

3. Vendors & Staffing

Banquet halls in Delhi generally offer right Vendors and staffing facilities. Still, before booking, you must ask whether they offer on-site coordination, accommodation of DJs or live band and security services. Also, specify the time when the vendors would start setting up on the wedding day. Even if the venue provides support of getting the presentations to a designated car or hotel room after the event. Enquire whether there is a separate space for cocktail hour and a sound system for speeches. You must also know if they have any sound restrictions and about the parking of vehicles of the guests. Also, ask them to arrange good quality of restrooms and recycle bins for better hygiene.

Author : Book Mapple - Emerald best banquet hall / wedding venue with VenueMonk and get 30% Off on Online Booking.


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